Field recording for iphone

by Dav's
(Angers, France)

Overview of the Fostex AR-4I Audio interface for iPhone 4

The iPhone 4 is fabulous and takes great HD quality video. However if there's one area that lets it down, it's the sound. The small internal microphone only records in mono with no control and as for the quality.... Well let's just say it not exactly high-fidelity. Enter the new Fostex AR-4i. Offering excellent quality stereo audio recording with LED input level metering, gain control and headphone monitoring, the AR-4i has been designed to dramatically increase the quality of the sound of the videos you take with your iPhone 4.

Perfect for TV & Radio reporting, live video streaming to the web, video blogs / YouTube uploads plus ideal for family and domestic use.

New - Now Compatible with iPod Touch 4G

Designed to enhance the video you capture with your iPhone 4
The audio quality and versatile operation of the AR-4i make it ideal for both professional applications and domestic / consumer use. For example, in ENG applications where budgets are tight, the AR-4i turns the iPhone 4 into a high quality, hard working audio / video capture device while everyone who shoots video will appreciate the improved sonic quality and audio control the AR-4i brings to the party.

Whether you're a reporter, stream video to web services such as Twitter, U-Stream etc., use video upload sites such as YouTube and Vimeo, or simply want to dramatically improve the sound of your videos, the Fostex AR-4i is for you.

iPhone App
The dedicated, easy to use iPhone App (available at the App Store) allows for easy control of input level, microphone setting, Equalisation, Filters etc.

- Equipped with 3 x stereo inputs (Line/Mic) for using 2 of the 3 simultaneously for vertical or horizontal use
- 2 x plug-in powered condenser cardioid type microphones with pop-shields supplied. Third-party microphones can also be used
- 4-dot LED level meter for input monitoring
- Thumb wheel input gain control
- Setup App supplied free from App Store for setting Pan (L/C/R), Low Cut Filter, Limiter, etc.
- Headphone output for recording & playback monitoring
- Long operation time with 2 x AAA alkaline batteries for 8 to 10 hours
- Supplied with a sturdy hand grip
- 2 x threaded tripod mounts on the bottom and side for use with tripod, camera rigs, etc.
- Cold shoe for use of third-party camera options

Check this out !

My 2 cents...

See ya!

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